Monday, February 04, 2008

Singing from the CORE

What drives us to sing?
What is it about the human voice that makes every other sound pale in comparrison?
May be it has something to do with our inbuilt programming of vocal communication that we NEED to participate in. Humans have had this need throughout all of history...the need to listen to each other and share information.
Some information can't be expressed through speech alone. Some of it goes beyond mere words. The voice has a special express what words cannot. To share an inner perspective, an INNER VOICE.
This is the magic of singing. This is the extraordinary world of the voice. We yearn to hear it, we need to listen, and we can't help but want to know more. When a singer sings, part of the world stops still, in silent wait, opening up to interpret the information and process it's meaning within themselves. We cant help ourselves. We were born to it. It goes beyond what we "want" or what we think we "like".
So next time you sing in front of anyone, remember that your voice is reaching beyond their mind. It's stiring something instinctual within. It might not be perfect (it never is), and you yourself might cringe at times, but if you feel it coming from within your core, you already know something is resonating with theirs.

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