Sunday, February 10, 2008


As a music mentor i'm often asked "how long 'til i get there?". Funny how we're always keen to know about this an idea of a destination. "Are we there yet?"'s parents CRAZY (speaking from experience).
To ask this question is not unlike asking "how long until i'm wise?". It's a tough one to answer. The reality is that the only destination that exists is in your own mind. "There" is not an end point. It's not like a road trip where, after much travelling, you arrive at your cabin and get to put your feet up and just sit and do nothing for a few weeks. Once you arrive at your pre-conceived "there" you will see it as being a "here", with a different "there" you are travelling to.
Here and there both have a single purpose in your mind, to inspire you to move forward. To go from your idea of NOW, and work towards achieving things you perceive to be in the future...your THERE.
Once you realise that you will be always working towards a THERE it can be a bit disheartening. However, then comes the opportunity to grow a little wiser, and realise that it's the journey that's important, and IT is the thing that you must revel in, and enjoy, and soak up...not some unreachable final destination. You will always have a THERE you are headed towards, but the secret is to enjoy the NOW, and grow within it. THEN you will move forward without even trying, in an effortless and empowering glide, with a song in your heart, and a beat in your feet.

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