Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Singers health Issues

As a singer you need to be pro-active in dealing with your health, particularly during times of the year when you can be very vulnerable to illness. To maximise your power over this part of your health, you need to address three main categories;

  • Prevention
  • Cure
  • Assistance

  • Prevention: You need to do more than just eat a healthy diet and get enough water to seriously address prevention. Prevention should be your main strategy against illness. It won’t always stop you from getting sick, but it can help you have a very speedy recovery in the event that you are ill.

  • Cure: Getting sick is enevitable, but there is plenty you can do to aid your recovery and speed up the process. If you have a preventative regime in place, your chances of fast recovery are very high.

  • Assistance: Essentially, if you can get by, it’s best not to take cold and flu medications, as many can dry out the vocal folds. Plus, your body sends you pain messages for a reason. It’s letting you know that whatever is hurting needs to stop, revive and rest. Pain killers are great unless they take away your caution along with your pain. Avoid them if you can. Having said that, there are very good reasons to take medications when you have a persistant cough in particular. Constant or violent coughing can damage the vocal folds when they are at their most vulnerable.

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