Wednesday, July 05, 2006

How long will it take?

  • "So, how long will it take?" came the question down the phoneline. If i had a dollar for every time i've heard THAT one...
  • So, seriously, you really want to know how long before you're a great singer. And why not! After all, you're paying good money to a great teacher (hopefully), and you want to know about results. Of course, you know you should practice more than you do. At the end of every lesson you're fired up and commit yourself to the 3-6 hours a week you KNOW you should be doing, but every week you find yourself cramming a quick run-though in the car on your weekly pilgramage to your devoted teacher, who quickly asks the question "how did you go this week?"
  • After umming and ahhing your way through something that would barely convince a fly to land on an icecream, you slowly edge your way through your lesson knowing full well that if you had actually gone through your stuff this week, you'd be feeling a whole lot better. Your teacher knows only too well that you're battling to stay afloat, but keeps things light and focused on the work at hand, guiding you to the core of your work (or lack of).
  • So how long WILL it take? if i said "that's up to you", would you believe me? Seriously it IS up to you. You need to think like an athlete, which means YEARS of dedication and focus, passion and sacrifice. This need not be a dark path, but you need to make the committment and stick to it, no matter what transpires around you.
  • Singing is a physical act. Once you start training, you begin to understand how physical it really is, and the difference between singing and speaking in tune. It's work, but it's as wonderful as you let it be. the journey can be inspirational, uplifting, and fun...or you can fight with yourself and it can be an uphill battle all the way.
  • How long? Many great teachers would agree that it takes about 10 years to build a great singer. Technique, understanding, passion and experience all play their part. It's a physical, psychological and emotional journey frought with challenges and triumphs, and the power lies within the hands of the singer. Teachers and coaches are merely guides and mentors. Give them a break. They will never be able to turn you into a singer.
  • Now, where did i put that magic wand.........

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