Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Keep working at it!

  • Lack of discipline is so often the underlying cause of many other difficulties. Singing well requires regular and dedicated time allocated almost every day. Just like an athlete needs to train often and regularly, so too does singer if they are to achieve any long-term benefits. Singing well can’t be achieved simply by knowing what to in theory.
  • Lack of discipline can have many factors associated with it. Sometimes it is simply a lack of motivation. Try regularly recording yourself (and keeping the recordings), and you will hear your progress. Also by keeping a voice journal, you might be able to notice changes in attitude and take the opportunity to kick-start things with a whole new repertoire, joining a new music group, or attending a musical retreat.
  • Be aware, too, that it is quite normal to come up against “brick walls” from time to time. Many singers have regular black spots where they don’t feel they are progressing.

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